Entrepreneurial Brain 2023

“You don’t have to burst through doors to make your point. You’re not a hero—you’re an entrepreneur! That’s the point of The Entrepreneur’s Brain, a brilliant exploration of what it takes to use your creative, off-kilter entrepreneurial mind to manage success in business and in life. Jeff Hays hits it out of the park with this essential guide to being a successful entrepreneur.”
-JJ Virgin, four-time NYT bestselling author and coach
“If you’re one of that rare breed called entrepreneurs—brilliant, creative, and driven to change the world—this remarkable book will show you how to take the big risks that pay off and how to avoid the costly mistakes that can lead you to lose everything. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re already a multimillionaire, this is a must-read.”
-Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, NYT bestselling author of Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet and host of the PBS special 21 Days to a Slimmer, Younger You
“The Entrepreneurial Brain gives you the brilliance of an accomplished entrepreneur, Jeff Hays, who shows you how to use your gifts (even ones you may not realize you have) efficiently and powerfully—and often in counterintuitive ways. Did you know you could make a lot more money by giving things away? That’s just one of countless powerful insights into doing business you’ll find in this essential and fast-moving book.”
-Naomi Whittel, NYT bestselling author of Glow15
“Wisdom is more than just a commodity—it's the number-one asset for success in business and life. Access to it breeds success beyond your wildest dreams. Lack of it results in cycles of failure and the erroneous conclusion of 'bad luck.' I've known Jeff Hays for many years, and one thing I've observed is that anyone who knows Jeff, myself included, has the same impression of him: he's an endless fountain of wisdom. I've been enriched by this, and now you can be enriched too. The Entrepreneurial Brain will not only fascinate you, but your time reading it will pay you back over and over again for the rest of your life. Get it today.”
-Patrick Gentempo, Founder and CEO of Action Potential Holdings, Inc.